Crop Supply Planning

A unified view of your crop demand and supply

Gain insights into your crop supply and demand, and proactively identify potential surpluses or deficits across financial years.  Effortlessly factor in your dependent demand, guided by bulk wine requirements.

Feature Overview


Visualize your future Crop Supply, Demand, and overall position. Follow the source of demand and explore data at any level of your crop and location hierarchies. Chart your data to see trends over time.

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Craft different views of supply and demand data and use Supply Plan status to compare the overall position including planned supply to that with only firmed supply plans. Leverage these views to analyze different scenarios and assess the impact of changes in various supply and demand drivers over time.

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Linked Demand

Your vintage make plans link through to our Crop Supply Planning module so you can see the demand on your crops and immediately understand how changes in vintage plans affect your grape supply position.

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“Claret’s easy-to-use platform has allowed our team to collaborate in a way that was before not possible through an individual system.”
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