Start your 14-day free trial with Demand Planning

Achieve supply chain clarity with Claret — a powerful set of tools hand-crafted to help your company build operational and strategic plans that drive growth.
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Why Claret?
Is your supply chain broken? Out of stocks driving you mad? Still planning with spreadsheets? We are here to help!
Icon of a box
Reduce cost of inventory by 10%
Icon of a happy face with sunglasses
Increase service level by 10%
Icon of a spreadsheet
Move on from spreadsheets
claret product shot
Where we help?
Improve the bottom line
Reduce out of stocks
Provide transparency to plans
Minimize spreadsheet planning
Provide one version of the truth
Level up your team to do more
How we help?
Icon of a crystal ball
Forecasting Platform
Delivers accurate forecasts to be leveraged across the business (supply, finance, etc.)
Icon of a clipboard
Supply Planning Platform
Produce the right quantity at the right time. Plus, Identify grape and bulk wine supply issues.
Our solutions
Easily plan out your grape contracts
Provide insight into your grape supply and demand over multiple years
Proactively identify bulk wine supply issues over the next five to ten years
Quickly react to any demand changes and get ahead of any release date adjustments
Balance forecast demand and optimize inventory strategies
Manage your finished good inventory position to meet demand
Create consensus-based depletion forecasts
Easily build long-term forecasts to aid your budgeting process
Generate shipment forecasts based on distributor days on hand
Get your free trial
Achieve supply chain clarity with Claret
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