Inventory Workbench - Partner

Accurate ship forecasts, accurate revenue forecasts

In BevAlc shipments to distributors is revenue.  Easily dial in an accurate shipment forecast by considering your distributor inventory, depletion forecasts and days-on-hand targets.  No more guessing.  No more missing the mark.

Feature Overview

Spend time on what matters

Quickly review all your items to see if there any issues with your distributor's inventory of your items.   Only focus on the items that require your attention.

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Update your shipment forecasts with confidence

You can easily update your shipment forecasts. Either month-by-month or plug in a full-year quantity at once and spread it across the months. Your choice!

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Your workbench, your way

Customize your own version of the Inventory Workbench to help you build out the right shipment forecast.

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What partners are saying
“Claret’s easy-to-use platform has allowed our team to collaborate in a way that was before not possible through an individual system.”
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